A picture is worth a THOUSAND words. Take a picture or upload a picture of what you are looking for and find available matches in seconds!
"Using Connect Technology on the Royal Resource Platform and training my customers to use it has saved me uncountable hours of time.
I figure between matching customer products, driving to pick up and/or drop off samples, and emails back and forth to get samples, I save at least 30 minutes a day on average.
Then if I take into account the product information requests I get every day that are now on the Platform for the customers to retrieve by themselves, it saves even more time."
— Scott Burns, Material Consultant, Royal Plywood
MOWABE leads the Building and Manufacturing Products Industry in AI product-matching technology. We leverage computer vision technology to give brands a competitive advantage in the workplace.
It is extremely difficult to describe wallcoverings, flooring, textiles, etc. in 5 words or less. By adding a simple widget to their websites, we help brands, their sales reps, material consultants and their customers find products much more accurately and efficiently.